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1. False Cut-Any cut that leaves the deck in the same order as it was before the cut.

2. False Shuffle-Any shuffle that leaves the deck in the same order as it was before the shuffle.

3. Glide-The glide is simply pulling back a bottom card so that the second to the bottom card is revealed a little (this is done facedown though, so no one can see the faces) It is only revealed for touch. The second to bottom card is the slipped out as if it was the bottom card. (Usually it looks 'the bottom card is shown. then the deck is facedown (no attention drawn to this), then the bottom card is slipped out. (Of course, really the 2nd the bottom is slipped out.)

4. Crimp-This involves putting a bend or crease in a playing card in such a way that you are able to locate it in the deck by feels alone. The crimp can be put anywhere on the card, but the corners or long sides are generally used. You can crimp the card simply by bending the corner slightly upwards when showing it. You can also crimp the side of a card by squeezing it gently at the side between the thumb and forefinger. Basically, any (subtle) identifying bend or crease in a playing card qualifies as a crimp.

5. Glimpse-Secretly noting a card while holding or shuffling the pack.

6. Peek-Same meaning as glimpse, secretly notice a card, the only different is that peek usually do in particular move. (e.g. Bubble peek)

7. Force-Causing a spectator to select a particular card or cards when the spectator thinks the choice was freely made. 8. Multiple Shift
Move one or multiple cards from one place to other particular place. For example, a pass (sleight) is a kind of shift which can move one card from any place to the top or bottom of the deck.

9. Multiple Lift-one or two top cards are drawn up to be shown as one card alone. A finger break between the two top cards before the sleight is executed, is very nice. Otherwise it requires really light fingers.

10. The Reverse-Move that make any card that is face up in a facedown pack (or faced down in a face-up pack).
11. Palming-Method of concealing a card.

12. False Count-A move that allow the hide the actual number of the cards, for example, Elmsley count is a sleight that can count three cards as four or even more.

13. Secret Count-A move that allow to count cards secretly without notice by the spectator.

14. False Display-Something like false count, but the main concern is different. False count concern the number of cards but false display concern to show the false value of card.  

15. False Dealing-A difficult sleight that deal the desire card from different places in the deck instead of deal the top card, for example, bottom deal is a sleight that secretly deal the card directly from the bottom of the deck when needed.

16. Colour Change-This is a magical effect that cause a card suddenly change from one colour to another.

17. Switch-A sleight or move in which one object is secretly substituted for another secretly.

18. Change-A sleight or move in which one object is secretly substituted for another openly.

19. Faro Shuffle-The faro, also known as the weave shuffle is a technique that perfectly interlaces the cards. It is not a false shuffle, but properly speaking a controlled shuffle. The shuffle can be made in the hands, or on the table which gives it the appearance of a tabled riffle shuffle.

20. Culling-A move that secretly move any desire cards from any positions in the deck to a particular place, usually top or bottom of the deck.

21. Card Control-Any method that allows the performer to move a particular card or cards to a specific location in the pack.

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